

値をdrows.Step (描画する値)により追加すると右端から表示されてグラフが更新されます。

▼ まずはフォーム(form1)に PictureBox を貼り付けます、オブジェクト名はデフォルトの Picture1 です。
次にクラスモジュールを追加して次のコードを書き込みました、オブジェクト名はデフォルトの Class1 です。

Option Explicit
Public objects As Object
Public pHight As Integer
'幅の分解能 最大1000 (バッファサイズに依存)
Public pWidth As Integer
Public LineColor As Long

Private WidthScale(1000) As Integer

Public Sub Step(setX As Integer)
    Call add(setX)
    Call show
End Sub

Public Sub add(setX As Integer)
    Dim pos As Integer
'   0以下を取り除く
    If setX < 0 Then setX = 0

'   配列の値をシフトして最後に追記
    For pos = 0 To pWidth - 1
        WidthScale(pos) = WidthScale(pos + 1)
    Next pos
    WidthScale(pWidth - 1) = setX
End Sub

Public Sub show()
    Dim scaleX As Double
    Dim scaleY As Double
    Dim height As Integer
    Dim width As Integer
    Dim pos As Integer
'   座標を計算する
    height = objects.ScaleHeight
    width = objects.ScaleWidth
    scaleY = height / pHight
    scaleX = width / pWidth
'    斜めに線を引く場合にはこのようにする
'    objects.Line (0, 0)-(width, height), LineColor
'   配列の値でグラフを描画
    For pos = 1 To pWidth - 1
        Dim FrontPos As Integer
        FrontPos = pos - 1

'       直線を描画する
        objects.Line (scaleX * FrontPos, (height - scaleY * WidthScale(FrontPos))) _
        -(scaleX * pos, (height - scaleY * WidthScale(pos))), LineColor
    Next pos
End Sub

▼ フォームのコードを開いて次のコードを書き込みます。

Dim drows As Class1

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set drows = New Class1
    Set drows.objects = Form1.Picture1
    drows.pHight = 600
    drows.pWidth = 1000
    drows.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End Sub

▼ フォームにタイマーを張り付けてグラフに値を追記すると描画できます。

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
	drows.Step (描画する値)
End Sub

描画する値は drows.Step (描画する値)により追加してゆきます。
値のみ追加の場合は add (値) を呼び、描画のみの場合には show を呼びます。




改造して作成するクラスのオブジェクト名はデフォルトの Class2 にしました。
値の -1 を追加すると線が引かれない、それ以外の値を追加すると縦線が引かれて値が表示されます。
Option Explicit
Public objects As Object
Public pHight As Integer
'幅の分解能 最大1000
Public pWidth As Integer
Public LineColor As Long

Private WidthScale(1000) As Integer

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Dim pos As Integer
    For pos = 0 To 1000
        WidthScale(pos) = -1
    Next pos
End Sub

Public Sub Step(setX As Integer)
    Call add(setX)
    Call show
End Sub

Public Sub add(setX As Integer)
    Dim pos As Integer
'   配列の値をシフトして最後に追記
    For pos = 0 To pWidth - 1
        WidthScale(pos) = WidthScale(pos + 1)
    Next pos
    WidthScale(pWidth - 1) = setX
End Sub

Public Sub show()
    Dim scaleX As Double
    Dim scaleY As Double
    Dim height As Integer
    Dim width As Integer
    Dim pos As Integer
'   座標を計算する
    height = objects.ScaleHeight
    width = objects.ScaleWidth
    scaleY = height / pHight
    scaleX = width / pWidth
'    斜めに線を引く場合にはこのようにする
'    objects.Line (0, 0)-(width, height), LineColor
'   配列の値でグラフを描画
    For pos = 1 To pWidth - 1
        If WidthScale(pos) <> -1 Then
'           直線を描画する
            objects.Line (scaleX * pos, 0)-(scaleX * pos, height), LineColor
'           文字を描画する
            objects.CurrentX = scaleX * pos
            objects.CurrentY = 0
            objects.Print CStr(WidthScale(pos))
        End If
    Next pos
End Sub

▼ フォームにタイマー インターバル1000ミリ秒 を張り付けてグラフに値を追記します。
Interval が 1000 以下だと1秒に何本も線が引かれる事になりますので改造する必要が出てきます。

Dim scale1 As Class2

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set scale1 = New Class2
    Set scale1.objects = Form1.Picture1
    scale1.pHight = 600
    scale1.pWidth = 1000
    scale1.LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    Dim sec As Integer
    sec = CInt(DateTime.Second(Now))
    If sec = 0 Then
        scale1.add (CInt(DateTime.Minute(Now)))
        scale1.add (-1)
    End If
End Sub


■ 目盛りとグラフを重ねてみる


Dim drows As Class1
Dim scale1 As Class2
Dim counter As Integer

Dim x As Double

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set drows = New Class1
    Set drows.objects = Form1.Picture1
    drows.pHight = 600
    drows.pWidth = 100
    drows.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
    Set scale1 = New Class2
    Set scale1.objects = Form1.Picture1
    scale1.pHight = 600
    scale1.pWidth = 100
    scale1.LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
    x = 10
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    x = x * 1.1
    If x > 600 Then x = 10
    counter = counter + 1
    If counter > 10 Then
        scale1.add (x)
        counter = 0
        scale1.add (-1)
    End If
    drows.Step (x)
End Sub


Option Explicit
Public objects As Object
Public pHight As Integer
'幅の分解能 最大1000 (バッファサイズに依存)
Public pWidth As Integer
Public LineColor As Long
Private filename As String
Private WidthScale(1000) As Integer

Public Function file_load(file As String)
    filename = file
    If filename <> "" Then
On Error GoTo err
        Dim fileNo As Integer
        fileNo = FreeFile
        Open App.Path + "\" + filename For Input As #fileNo
        Dim pos As Integer
        For pos = 0 To 1000
            Dim buff As String
            Input #fileNo, buff
            WidthScale(pos) = CInt(buff)
        Next pos
        Close #fileNo
    End If
End Function

Public Sub file_save()
    If filename <> "" Then
On Error GoTo err
        Dim fileNo As Integer
        fileNo = FreeFile
        Open App.Path + "\" + filename For Output As #fileNo
        Dim pos As Integer
        For pos = 0 To 1000
            Write #fileNo, CStr(WidthScale(pos))
        Next pos
        Close #fileNo
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub Step(setX As Integer)
    Call add(setX)
    Call show
End Sub

Public Sub add(setX As Integer)
    Dim pos As Integer
'   0以下を取り除く
    If setX < 0 Then setX = 0

'   配列の値をシフトして最後に追記
    For pos = 0 To pWidth - 1
        WidthScale(pos) = WidthScale(pos + 1)
    Next pos
    WidthScale(pWidth - 1) = setX
End Sub

Public Sub show()
    Dim scaleX As Double
    Dim scaleY As Double
    Dim height As Integer
    Dim width As Integer
    Dim pos As Integer
'   座標を計算する
    height = objects.ScaleHeight
    width = objects.ScaleWidth
    scaleY = height / pHight
    scaleX = width / pWidth
'    斜めに線を引く場合にはこのようにする
'    objects.Line (0, 0)-(width, height), LineColor
'   配列の値でグラフを描画
    For pos = 1 To pWidth - 1
        Dim FrontPos As Integer
        FrontPos = pos - 1

'       直線を描画する
        objects.Line (scaleX * FrontPos, (height - scaleY * WidthScale(FrontPos))) _
        -(scaleX * pos, (height - scaleY * WidthScale(pos))), LineColor
    Next pos
End Sub

目盛りの場合は再開先頭部分がわかると便利なので、開始の先頭バッファに-2を入れて赤い線を引き "S" の文字を表示して判別できるようにしました。
Option Explicit
Public objects As Object
Public pHight As Integer
'幅の分解能 最大1000
Public pWidth As Integer
Public LineColor As Long
Private filename As String
Private WidthScale(1000) As Integer

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Dim pos As Integer
    For pos = 0 To 1000
        WidthScale(pos) = -1
    Next pos
End Sub

Public Function file_load(file As String)
    filename = file
    If filename <> "" Then
On Error GoTo err
        Dim fileNo As Integer
        fileNo = FreeFile
        Open App.Path + "\" + filename For Input As #fileNo
        Dim pos As Integer
        For pos = 0 To 1000
            Dim buff As String
            Input #fileNo, buff
            WidthScale(pos) = CInt(buff)
        Next pos
        Close #fileNo
    End If
    WidthScale(pWidth - 1) = -2
End Function

Public Sub file_save()
On Error GoTo err
    If filename <> "" Then
        Dim fileNo As Integer
        fileNo = FreeFile
        Open App.Path + "\" + filename For Output As #fileNo
        Dim pos As Integer
        For pos = 0 To 1000
            Write #fileNo, CStr(WidthScale(pos))
        Next pos
        Close #fileNo
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub Step(setX As Integer)
    Call add(setX)
    Call show
End Sub

Public Sub add(setX As Integer)
    Dim pos As Integer
'   配列の値をシフトして最後に追記
    For pos = 0 To pWidth - 1
        WidthScale(pos) = WidthScale(pos + 1)
    Next pos
    WidthScale(pWidth - 1) = setX
End Sub

Public Sub show()
    Dim scaleX As Double
    Dim scaleY As Double
    Dim height As Integer
    Dim width As Integer
    Dim pos As Integer
'   座標を計算する
    height = objects.ScaleHeight
    width = objects.ScaleWidth
    scaleY = height / pHight
    scaleX = width / pWidth
'    斜めに線を引く場合にはこのようにする
'    objects.Line (0, 0)-(width, height), LineColor
'   配列の値でグラフを描画
    For pos = 1 To pWidth - 1
'       -1だと線を引かない、-2だとSと表示し赤線を引く(再開時)
        If WidthScale(pos) = -2 Then
'           直線を描画する
            objects.Line (scaleX * pos, 0)-(scaleX * pos, height), RGB(255, 0, 0)
'           文字を描画する
            objects.CurrentX = scaleX * pos
            objects.CurrentY = 0
            objects.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            objects.Print "S"
        ElseIf WidthScale(pos) <> -1 Then
'           直線を描画する
            objects.Line (scaleX * pos, 0)-(scaleX * pos, height), LineColor
'           文字を描画する
            objects.CurrentX = scaleX * pos
            objects.CurrentY = 0
            objects.ForeColor = LineColor
            objects.Print CStr(WidthScale(pos))
        End If
    Next pos
End Sub

▲トップページ > Visual BASIC と C#